Herbal medicine is a specialized field of natural medicine that utilizes plants for optimal health. Herbs go deep - they heal us mentally, physically, and spiritually. When traditional healing knowledge is paired with science-backed research, we can create effective holistic solutions. They can come in a variety of forms such as food, teas, tinctures, or topical solutions like salves or baths.



The core of Lionhearted Herbals mission is to share the healing wisdom of plants to help women heal holistically. We offer this through private consultations, herbal formulating, and teaching through blogs and classes. Our passion is teaching how to incorporate herbs into daily life in a way that is easy, sustainable, and joyful. 

“Herbal medicine is the people’s medicine. It is affordable, and accessible to all. All walks of life are welcome in my practice. Please know I have created a safe space and warmly welcome you.” - Taylor


I’m Taylor

My love for herbal medicine began with a fascination of the earth as a child. It began in the woods where I played amongst trees. It began in my father’s garden where I learned how to nurture plants to grow as food. It began in the open Indiana fields where I collected wild flowers, crystals, and stones. Nature always called me deeper, and because of nature – I found healing.

The herbal path revealed itself to me fully when I was offered teas to help heal the digestive issues that caused me great distress. Ginger & chamomile! How simple, and yet how life-altering.     

After this experience I became wildly passionate about holistic healing and committed to intensive study. 

Now, it is my turn to share this healing wisdom with you. 

I knew that in order to share this medicine with the modern world, I would need to be fully equipped with traditional and scientific knowledge of the plants to become a safe, effective, and reliable Clinical Herbalist. That is why I chose to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Herbal Sciences from Bastyr University, a leading school in science-based natural healing.

While at Bastyr, I learned about the historical uses of plants and their modern-day research. We dove deep into botanical identification, growing, harvesting, medicine-making, formulating, pharmacognosy, as well as research and herb/drug interactions. 

I have worked many years in the natural health world, serving local communities and sharing knowledge. Now, as I have settled back into the community that raised me, I offer these gifts to you. 



BSc in Herbal Sciences | Bastyr University
Certified Fertility Awareness Method Instructor  | FEMM
Integrative Fertility Methods | Dr. Jaclyn Chasse, ND
Certified in Clinical Assessment in Herbal Practice  | AHG
Certified in
Pulse, Tongue, & Facial Assessment | Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism

Clinical mentorship with medical herbalists Leslie Alexander, RH, PhD and Krista Dawn Poulton, Cl.H. RHT.

 Follow Along: @lionhearted_herbals
